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 NMLSTA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

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  1. Apply for NMLSTA awards.
  2. Attend free Meet Me in the Middle Webinars.
  3. Apply to present at Meet Me in the Middle NSTA National conference events.
  4. Consider becoming an NMLSTA Board member.
  5. Create a Forum post.
  6. Participate in NMLSTA committees and outreach projects.
  7. Keep up-to-date by checking the website.
  8. Submit an Idea of the Month.
  9. Use the members only resources and suggest new resources.
  10. Check your member profile for accuracy.
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  3. Issues with AOL email addresses have been reported. Consider providing an alternative email address.

Ways to Support NMLSTA

Webinar Series

       Brought to you by NMLSTA and the NSTA Middle Level Teaching Committee

Join Us for Our Next Webinar Featuring Virginia Andrews and Victoria Oliveira from the Institute for the Resilience in Youth (ISRY), a translational research organization at McLean Hospital, affiliated with Harvard Medical School, where a classroom observation framework for supporting middle grade students’ resilience and thriving skills through learning and doing STEM has been developed.

“Dimensions of Success for Middle Grades Learning Engineering and Science

You will learn about an evidence-based, continuous learning system for observing, reflecting on, and communicating about quality in science and engineering learning experiences.

 Thursday, January 23, 2024

7:00 p.m. ET, 6:00 p.m. CT, 5:00 p.m. MT, 4:00 p.m. PT

Click HERE for more information and register for this webinar.


A certificate indicating you have engaged in one hour of professional development will be available to those who attend the webinar in person and request it.


“Sea to Sky: Free Online Educational Resources from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)”

Learn about NOAA’s wealth of FREE educational resources, including lesson plans, demonstrations, videos, data resources, printable activities, and much more on topics like ocean exploration, coral reef ecosystems, climate change, hurricanes, and watersheds.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

 7:00 p.m. ET,  7:00 p.m. CT, 6:00 p.m. MT,  5:00 p.m. PT

 Click HERE for more information and register for this webinar.

NSTA National Conference: Philadelphia 25

Meet Me in the Middle Share-a-Thon

 Presenter Interest Form

 NMLSTA will be holding a Share-a-Thon,Thursday, March 27, 2025,  2:00 – 4:00 PM, during the NSTA National Conference in Philadelphia.

If you are looking for an informal opportunity to share your great ideas with other middle level science educators, this is the perfect opportunity!

Our Share-a-Thon will be set up in a flea market style format where guests will meet with a variety of individual presenters who showcase their innovative and exciting ideas. You do not have to make a formal presentation. Simply prepare a short presentation to deliver to the guests as they visit your table

If you are interested in participating, I will send you more information after you fill-out this short form,

Questions?? Contact  

Fall 2024 Classroom Teacher Awards

NMLSTA Paul deHart Hurd Award

The 2024 Paul deHart Hurd Award winner:

Rachel Arbor

Sponsored by

Sponsors & Partners

Cudfrrent Sponsors for the Paul de Hart Hurd Award and Meet Me in the Middle activities



Interested in sponsoring NMLSTA? Email Mary Lou Lipscomb


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